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Here are some concepts about translation. (Procaryotes)
Translation involves three organelles viz. Ribosome, mRNA and tRNA.
Initiation, elongation and termination are three phases of translation.
1. Initiation:
First step is tRNA charging. This takes place in cytosol.
Amino acid(C group) + ATP(alpha phosphoryl group) aminoacylAMP +PPi
Aminoacyl AMP +tRNA aminoacyl tRNA + AMP (enz. Aminoacyl tRNA synthase)
PPi 2P (energy which drives reaction in forward direction).
(tRNA is adaptor molecule as it carries anticodon and amino acid at 3’ end).
• IF1, IF2 and IF3 are required as initiation factor.
• Shine Dalgarno Sequence: Recognition site on mRNA, here smaller subunit of ribosome attach. It is complementary sequence of rRNA of smaller subunit.
• IF1 comes and breaks the ribosome into its smaller and larger subunit(before translation).
• IF3 binds to smaller subunit to prevent it from reuniting.
• 30S, IF3 and mRNA is joined by GTP bound IF2 along with fmet-tRNAfmet.
• The anticodon of this tRNA correctly pairs with mRNA’s initiation codon.
• Ribosome has three sites A, P and E site.
• P is only site where fmet can only bind rest amino acid bind at A site.
• First amino acid fmet binds at P site with the help of IF2.
• Smaller subunit, fmet, tRNA and mRNA comprise initiation complex.
• Larger subunit then comes and binds to this complex and GTP is hydrolysed from IF2.
• At this point all IFs depart.
In the next blog I will cover initiation in eukaryotes.
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